Code Enforcement Educators

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Welcome to our site.  This page has been a resource since 2016 and we are here to give you resources to better do you job.

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Free Code Enforcement Coloring Book

For Reproduction Purposes

Download: Coloring Book Cover.pdf

Download: Code_Enforcement_Coloring_Book_V6.pdf

These files are print files.  Most printing providers may require all three files to reproduce this coloring book. You will need a cover and a city or county content version and a print release.  The print release grants you permission to reproduce and distribute.  It also grants permission to add specific branding only. No commericail license is granted for this free publication.

Download: Print_Release-v2.pdf

County Version

Download: County Code_Enforcement_Coloring_Book_V7.pdf

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Code Concepts with Rachel Patterson & Pete Roque

Learn about different topics in Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement is so diverse.  Learn what is going on across the country from industry experts. Rachel Patterson and Pete Roque interview different professionals to help code officials better understand different code topics and concepts in our profession

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Meet Your Industry Leaders

Featuring Cecilia Muela & Pete Roque

Ceci Muela and Pete Roque get to interview some of today and yesterday industry movers and shakers.  We get to learn about their journey and how they continue to influence our industry.

Watch Epidsodes

National Code Enforcement Network